Friday, October 22, 2010

Challenge: Face Value Revision

Last night we had changed our challenge description for “Face Value” on the events page. So here is the new description on the event.
Challenge: Face Value

On Sunday October 24th, “The Reconnect”, a group of Media Studies students at the University of Guelph-Humber challenge you to delete your Facebook for one week, and “Face the Change”. Before you click “Not Attending”, read on.

Firstly we would like to inform participants that by “deleting” your Facebook it does not truly delete it. You can simply re-activate your account by signing back in, and all your information will be there just as you left it. The only difference is no one will be able to post on your wall, tag you in pictures, message you, and so forth, during your time away. We ask you to delete your Facebook, as appose to simply not singing on, to encourage you to avoid the temptation of signing on to check if someone has posted on your wall, invited you to an event etc.

We are proposing this challenge as part of our experiment to disconnect to reconnect. To view our overall mission click on the following link: . Essentially we are challenging you for a week to remember how you used to connect to friends and family without Facebook. During this challenge we will be challenging you to connect in ways you may have forgotten like this challenge featured in the following link: . The purpose is to decide what forms of technology and social media are useful and vital to you.

During this experiment we encourage participants and non-participants to think about the integration of technology and social media forms are affecting their lives. We want people to make their own decisions, and form their own opinions, as well as, inform us at Now some participant’s opinions may be formed before they participate in the event, however, we believe it is important to constantly be re-evaluating and challenging your own opinions.

Here is how to participate:

We ask participants to commit to delete their Facebook for at least one week. If participants can we encourage them to keep their Facebook deleted, move on to the next challenge, and continue disconnecting. Here is how to participate in this week’s Face Value challenge:

1. Join the Facebook event.

2. Invite everyone on your Facebook to the event, do not be shy.

3. Check this tumblr, and/or the event for the days’ status. Post the status to your Facebook.

4. “Like” anyone who has the status posted, as this will aid in creating awareness.

5. October 24th, delete your Facebook by 12pm and get ready to start experiencing your life before Facebook again.

6. Join the conversation here on tumblr. Submit your concerns, experiences, anything you want us to know at, along with your age and name.

*As some of you may notice the description of the event has changed. We have not deleted our old description entirely as we are trying to document as much of this process as possible. We are also not denying the mistakes we make during the process. This is an on-going discussion and conversation in which all our opinions will constantly be changing and that is part of the experimentation. To view the original description click on the following link:

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