Monday, November 8, 2010

Alone or Lonely without Facebook?

Loneliness. Do you remember that feeling? If so when was the last time you felt it?

Well today, I feel lonely. I was having a fairly average day and everything was going fine, but then something happened. I am not going to say what it was, but it upset me. Now here I am around none of my friends, or family, or actually anyone, and I can not stop obsessing over what I am upset about.

Now for the first time since I deleted facebook I truly wanted to go on it. I wanted to see familiar faces, distract myself from feeling so alone. As tempted as I was I did not reactivate my facebook, but sure enough I found myself on twitter. Here were some familiar faces, and it did make me feel less lonely. Then I realized with the constant connect of social media have we tricked ourselves into thinking we are not alone? If a friend is just a click away can we really ever feel lonely?

Well I think we can still feel lonely, but social media sure makes it easy to forget we are alone. With social media we can always rely on someone to be there. We never have to wait around to talk to someone or for someone to call. In my opinion its easy to forget how alone we truly are when you can see your friends online.

Coping with the feelings of loneliness  without social media  requires self reliance. I have started to realize coping with anything without Facebook requires self reliance, and confidence in yourself. I noticed after deleting Facebook how often I would go on it for last minute advice on assignments. Why could I not rely on my own knowledge to get me through it? Why did I think anyone may know better than me?

Being off Facebook has made me feel like my own person again. Up until today I enjoyed feeling like I was out in the world by myself, alone. So why was it that when I felt lonely the first place I thought to go was Facebook?

e-mail me your thoughts at: disconnect2reconnect@gmail
posted by: Courtney Wright

Remember that video...

Hello again.
Remember that video I posted a while ago called “Socially Active?” Well, I posted it on our YouTube account and received some sweet feedback from user: Klemperer.
Here’s what Klemperer had to say:
Nice view :). I left facebook last June, and indeed, I read more and meet more people since that day^^. 0’40 onwards is great ;-)). Social networks do have advantages, but there are better possibilities, I am sure. Lovely to ask a musician 5000 miles away what music she’s doing - but that’s possible without facebook^^. Read more books, meet more people, all :)!
Then, I messaged her just to see if she wouldn’t mind me posting her feedback on the blog and this is the response I received:

Hi Leviana,

of course you could! I think it’s a very lively and superb video. You know, I met a lot of cold snobs at university in Germany during the last years (I’m a tad older than you^^ so can compare a bit). What we generally lack is the spirit that is in your very video :-))! Stand up and fight, so to say, for what you find important and right, or funny^^. Don’t let the “I got 127 “i like it” on facebook - stuff make ´just another fashion-and-style-follower out of us :-)). I met so many people who had good ideas, but after the third “sarcastic cold, but cool” answer stopped.

So I would say, each and everyone who will watch your video will be delighted, you seem just as you are (well this is wild guessing over the internet^^ of course, he he). Those who would not like it - well, we are in free countries. I think it’s a very nice video, post it if you like it too, because of course it’s of not so big an importance for you what I think :-))).

All I can say is I was happy to watch it, and especially after all those postmodern hate-blurb-speakers in german universities and scenes I found the spirit in it I like - it’s funny, it’s convincing, and it’s without the need to “make points” (which is the beginning of desaster anyways^^)

I’ll bookmark the blog right away.

Ciao, and thanks for the great video, this is life, and I like it^^

Let us know what you think by e-mailing us at  
EVEN BETTER: Record your own vlog and send it to us. We’ll post it ;)

posted by: Leviana Coccia

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